Energy Law, Mining & Quarrying


Mariana Mantzari, the founder of mM Law Yard is a lawyer with high academic and work performance and experience in the mining industry. Our team also includes qualified technicians with a long experience in this industry. By choosing our office you are automatically transferred to the safety zone of quality deliverables. Indicatively:

  • Any topic related to the enforcement of Mining and Quarrying Legislation and Operations Regulation;
  • Process for the granting or renewal of your mining or quarrying rights;
  • Preparation and submission of annual activity reports to the Ministry of Environment and Energy;
  • Royalties;
  • Land Registry submission and related compliance;
  • License of purchase, possession and consumption of explosives and blasting equipment or system;
  • Loading and any kind of transportation of hazardous or dangerous products;
  • Licensing of any installation on site;
  • Construction machinery compliance;
  • Insurance of liability, equipment and work;

Our Insurance Consultants will advise you regarding the necessity of insuring specific risks.

Contact us to schedule a consultation based on your needs.